Ohio & West Virginia Photos


Thursday, July 29 - Milford OH to Lancaster OH - 115 miles

At David's Home, 7:15A


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


Two riders and one driver, ready to go.

Carl, Lydia (DavidŐs mom) and David in front of CarlŐs car, our trusty support vehicle for our trek across the time zone.


The Foot of the Little Miami Scenic Trail, Milford OH, 8:30A


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


The pact: "No saying 'Are we there yet?'!"



HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


With the Milford historical marker.



Historic milestone on US-22, between Washington Court House and Circleville


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


It was surprising how many of these have survived, although the repainting of this one is not true to the original carving.



Friday, July 30 - Lancaster OH to St. Clairsville OH - 107 miles


Somerset OH, childhood home of Union General Phil Sheridan


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


Church steps on main street made for a fine snack stop



Zanesville OH, minor seat adjustment


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


Shortly after this we received a cash contribution from a driver who was soliciting riders for Zanesville's Y-City United Tour, a cycling event to benefit the United Way.



East of Old Washington, OH, on County Road 690


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


The Amish definitely have transportation figured out.



Bridgewater Rd, East of Middlebourne OH


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


When US-40 joined I-70 for a stretch, we had to seek an alternate route.  A few miles later (including several "paved" only in gravel) even roads like this ran out, and we had to portage 2 miles in the car on I-70 from exit 202 to 204 to where US-40 again went its own way and we resumed our ride.


Outside of Hendrysburg OH


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


Hopalong Cassidy was one of a Lydia's childhood heroes, so this marker was a welcome surprise.



Arrival at the Hampton Inn, St Clairsville


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


It's amazing how wide the smiles get when there is air conditioning and hot water at hand.



There's work to be done


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


oh goody, 17 million new emails.



Skidmore Alums find their niche at the Outback:


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


Now the Thoroughbreds, Skidmore's teams previously were Wombats.



Saturday, July 31: St. Clairsville OH to 7 miles east of Monongahela PA on PA-136 - 80 miles ridden before dark


Thunderstorms rolled through from about 8am to 11:30am, so we waited....



We were in the yellow, just west of the WV panhandle.


Departure from Hotel, St. Clairsville OH - Noon


HOST: Mac OS X 10.3.4


Carl expresses his dislike for riding in the rain. About a mile into the ride this day he was almost turned into a hood ornament by an oblivious woman making a left turn across our path.


Blaine OH, just west of Wheeling WV, hometown of ...


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A little baseball history to go with our earlier Civil War lesson.


East of Wheeling WV we crossed into Pennsylvania


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